Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quadri Moore's Journey of Hard Work Finally Pays Off

Junior Forward Quadri Moore played the best game of his career on Saturday Night at Tulane. After the game Cronin was sure to praise Moore for his work and contribution to the team this year.  Moore was the reason why Cincinnati was able to pull away late in the 1st half.

Moore scored a career high 14 points along with 3 three-pointers.  11 came in the first half.  Moore was forced into action after Kyle Washington and Tre Scott both picked up two quick fouls along with Jacob Evans.  After taking over the first couple of minutes it came up in Mick Cronin's halftime interview. Cronin responded by saying "He's our secret weapon, the pride and joy of Lindon, New Jersey.  A lot of people in his situation would've transferred or quit."

The reason for this? Moore has been extremely unlucky since he joined UC.  He started out as a 4 star recruit but dropped to as low as a 2 star before signing with UC as a 3 star.  After a rough start to his UC career Moore played just 8 minutes as a freshman. His freshman year ended with him being show on sport shows around the world as he was dunked on by the Kentucky big man.

After his difficult year, Moore's minutes were lowered to just over 7 a game and that's not easy when you were once a 4 star recruit. Fans were also starting to give it to him as once he touched the ball the crowd would boo. Not every UC fan, but there a few animated fans that clearly did want the ball in his hands.  Moore looked as if he would finally see his breakout moment last year against St. Joe's.  After big's were in some trouble early Quadri entered.  He immediately gave UC a quick spark with 6 points and he even gave UC the lead. After just a couple of minutes Moore went down with a leg injury and never returned to the game as Cincinnati lost 78-76.
This is where Cronin's quote would come in.  "A lot of people would've transferred or quit." Quadri Moore is the first person on the floor every day at practice and the last one to leave according to coaches.  Weather it's Free Throws or anything basketball related he's doing.

Moore was quoted saying the Cincinnati Enquire "It feels good, I'm part of the team too. I'm not on a bunch of people's scouting report, so it's makes life a lot easier. If feels good to have a day like this every once in a while."

Moore's minutes were decreased even more this year until that game. Regardless of how long he plays Mick Cronin is going to make it clear that Moore is going to work very hard.  At the end of the day, everyone wants to see a guy like Quadri Moore succeed. 

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